Information for Sponsors

Come .... Give a helping hand

“It is a privilege to help others. Do not stand on a high pedestal and take five cents in your hand and say, “Here, my poor man,” but be grateful that the poor man is there, so that by making a gift to him you are able to help yourself. It is not the receiver that is blessed, but it is the giver. Be thankful that you are allowed to exercise your power of benevolence and mercy in the world, and thus become pure and perfect. All good acts tend to make us pure and perfect. We must work and constantly do good, because it is a blessing to ourselves. That is the only way we can become perfect. … The world is a grand moral gymnasium wherein we have all to take exercise so as to become stronger and stronger spiritually.” – Swami Vivekananda

mVuli Sponsors

Many talented and industrious students may find it financially challenging to access mVuli courses. They should not miss out. Your support is very important to make quality education accessible to all. mVuli Academy gives you options to support them:

    1. Donate to SARADA ACADEMY, our open online school.
    2. Donate to a school of your choice already registered on our platform.
    3. Select your students and use our digital wallet system to send funds directly to them to purchase the courses of their choice.

My Options to Sponsor

OPTION 1: The Easy way

Sponsor Students on Sarada Academy - Our Open Online School

This is the simple hassle free option. 

Many talented and industrious students may find it financially challenging to access mVuli courses. They should not miss out. So we have set up an efficient and transparent process to identify genuine students and sponsor them.

Needy students apply for sponsorship via our online application form by providing detailed information. mVuli Admin will then vet these applications and prepare a shortlist.

You just make the donation and the mVuli Academy admin will do the rest to select the students and allocate them courses on Sarada Academy.

OPTION 2: Assist a school of your choice

Sponsor Students in a School of My Choice

This is the simple hassle free option similar to above. 

You just make the donation and the admin will manage the rest to add the funds to your nominated school. The School admin can then distribute your sponsored courses to the needy students of the school.

Ensure that your nominated school is already registered on mVuli Academy.


Select my own students and transfer funds to them

This option gets you more involved.  You need to make a list of students to be sponsored by you, add funds to your account in mVuli digital wallet and then distribute the funds to your students. This explained in more detail 

    1. Needy students apply for sponsorship via our online application form by providing detailed information.
    2. mVuli Admin will then vet these applications and prepare a shortlist.
    3. If the students are enrolled in their own school, the sponsors can interact with the students and monitor their progress through real time assessments and interact with through Zoom, emails, chats, group discussions, forums etc.

Option 3: Steps to Sponsor Your Own Students


Register as SPONSOR on mvuli Academy

Only registered users will be able to use mVuli Academy. Select "SPONSOR" during registration.

Register as SPONSOR on mvuli Academy

Only registered users will be able to use mVuli Academy. Select "SPONSOR" during registration.

Step 2

Select your students

To assist you in selecting students you may wish to sponsor, we have made provisions for needy students to apply for sponsorship. As a registered sponsor, you have access to this list to select your students.
Please ensure to edit and add your name to the "SPONSORED BY" field to prevent depletion by another sponsor.

Select your students

View our list of students who have requested for assistance. Note down the name and email ids of the students you wish to sponsor.
Please ensure to edit and add your name to the "SPONSORED BY" field to prevent depletion by another sponsor.

Step 3


mVuli Academy has set up a secure digital wallet using OTP for your to manage your funds. You can top-up you wallet anytime with the required funds.
Your wallet keeps a track of your transactions and send you monthly statements.


Top-up you wallet with the required funds. Note other options available in your wallet dashboard.
Top-up my wallet

Step 4

Transfer funds to registered students

Use your wallet Dashboard to transfer funds to your students. If the students are not registered, you can send them a gift amount from your wallet and they will access the same after registering.
See Step 6 below.

Transfer funds to my students

Select "Transfer Funds" option and select your student. Enter the transfer amount and add a note.
Transfer funds to students

Step 5

Students Purchase their courses

Students will receive an email informing them of your donations into their wallet. They can use the funds to purchase the courses.

Students Purchase their courses

Students will receive an email informing them of your donations into their wallet. They can use the funds to purchase the courses.

Step 6

Send Gift Voucher to students

If the student is not already registered on mVuli Academy, then use our GIFT VOUCHER option to send them the funds. You will need their email id only.

Send Gift Voucher to students

Students will redeem their gift voucher and receive the funds in to their wallets. Then they purchase mVuli courses of their choice